
If you're not much of an IT-savvy person and you have just completed designing a website, choosing the web hosting provider can be an overwhelming task. Since virtually hundreds of web hosting providers offer attractive packages, even professional web designers can be torn between several web hosting providers that offer great features with different prices.

The purpose of a web hosting provider is to "host" your personally designed website and ensure that it can be accessed by anyone anytime. For this reason, reliability is the first factor you need to consider when choosing a web hosting provider.

There are two types of web hosting providers - free and paid. If you're a beginner that has successfully designed his or her first personal website, free web hosting providers can be an affordable option that allows you to explore your creativity. However, if you need a professional website for business, it is best to pay web hosting providers and select the features you require to keep your business up and running 24/7.

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Five Essential Factors in Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

If you're shopping around for the most appropriate web hosting provider that can meet your needs, it is best to list down at least ten of the most attractive packages that you feel offers the best features and services.

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The first factor to consider is the level of support a certain web hosting provider offers. This is the most important thing because you'll never know when your website will crash. Having access to a professional technical support 24 hours a day is very important, especially when you rely on your website for business transactions.

Second, you have to consider the price. This is a given issue because most people think twice when investing money and compare the prices of several web hosting providers to arrive at an informed decision. However, cheap web hosting packages do not necessarily mean that they are "best buy". Look for web hosting providers that offer reasonable and unbeatable prices.

Look for web hosting providers that offer a money-back-guarantee policy. With this guarantee, you can ensure that if you experience problems within the 30-day or 60-day allowance, you can immediately discontinue the services with the company.

Examine the platforms, applications and other features offered. Evaluate the company's security and reliability. These two factors are equally important, especially if you're running a business online. Match your needs with certain features of a web hosting provider.

If you have found a stable, reliable, affordable, secured with plenty of features and excellent customer support, then you have found the best web hosting provider to fit your needs.

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